Event Tech Blog
Apple’s New App Approval Rules
Apple's New App Approval Rules. Some app vendors are using scare tactics to mislead their clients into building 'container' apps. The rumors are not true.
Scare tactics from mobile app vendors
When a new version of a mobile OS is released there are always high expectations and concerns. Do not be mislead by scare tactics from mobile app vendors.
Collaboration 2.0 – Death of the Web Conference As We Know It
Collaboration 2.0: Death of the Web Conference is a study from Ovum and join.me by LogMeIn
The Keys to a Successful Event App
So what are the the keys to a successful event app? A good native event app will provide features that support and enhance the event experience.
Why have a mobile Event App
There’s a lot of fuss surrounding social media these days. Here are a few key benefits of creating a Social Network for your Event.
Benefits of creating a Social Network for your Event
There’s a lot of fuss surrounding social media these days. Here are a few key benefits of creating a Social Network for your Event.
Pokémon Does Not Go with Everything
It’s in the news and it’s on everyone’s phone but Pokémon Does Not Go with Everything. Just learn to know how to recognise a trend and the benefits to you.
Should You Encourage Device Use During Events?
How do you feel when you see someone next to you using their phone during a conference session. Should You Encourage Device Use During Events?
Engaging your event audience through real-time response technology
Are you engaging your event audience through real-time response technology? The next step in utilising mobile technology in order to enhance your event.
Tech tools that generate revenue for your event
So why mention this in relation to engaging technology? Because I want to discuss tech tools that generate revenue for your event.
A Year-round Mobile Event App
A Year-round Mobile Event App. having a year round mobile app may not be the Holy Grail to some – but to event app developers it is music to their ears.
Top 5 Tips for Engaging Millennials at Events
Beyond Craft Beer and Quinoa – Millennials also Crave Content, Technology and Networking!. Here are my Top 5 Tips for Engaging Millennials at Events
iBeacon Messaging
iBeacon messaging is real and available today – but we have so much more that can be done with this technology. I will say ‘watch this space’.
Networking Events are Key Socially and Professionally
Networking Events are Key Socially and Professionally. From ice breakers to handshakes, trading cards to buying cocktails, networking can be fun.
Apps are too expensive for our events
I hear often that Apps are too expensive for our events. I know at first glance the cost of native app development may seem high.
Tweetwall Escalates Participation
Nearly all of our clients use # tags at their events in order to engage the audience and promote active participation. Tweetwall Escalates Participation.
Best Practices for Session and Event Evaluation
So what are the Best Practices for Session and Event Evaluation that allow you to gather valuable insights from your attendees
Email Marketing for Events – Part 2
Email Marketing for Events. Email marketing is in my opinion, hands-down, one of the best ways to leverage electronic media in order to grow your event.
Email Marketing for Events – Part 1
Email Marketing for Events. Email marketing is in my opinion, hands-down, one of the best ways to leverage electronic media in order to grow your event.
What’s on everyone’s mind lately?? App security!!
Recently, the event industry has taken notice concerning security within mobile apps based on an article concerning the RSA mobile app by Quick Mobile
Mobile Event App Usage Rates are Soaring
Year on year, adoption and Mobile Event App Usage Rates are Soaring in the Mobile Event App industry!
4 Tips on Event App Development
These 4 Tips on Event App Development will help you plan better, build a better event app and deliver a more engaging experience for your attendees.
Hashtags Versus Mentions
If you are confused about the when's and where's of using these then you are certainly not alone. I will try and shed some light on Hashtags Versus Mentions.
Every Association needs an app
Every Association needs an app. This is a very interesting statement and one that cannot be answered easily without understanding the emerging events.
Event Tech WayFinders
Do you have solutions to engage users without SmartPhones? Event Tech WayFinders can save on printing maps and event guides
Web, HTML5 or Native Event Apps?
I would like to clear up some apparent confusion regarding mobile Event App development. Do you build Web, HTML5 or Native Event Apps?
Providing exhibitors with more than qualified leads
It is no secret that exhibitors attend events in order to find new business. So what do you do about providing exhibitors with more than qualified leads?
iBeacon for Events, floor analytics, indoor location and more…
Have you considered using iBeacon for Events? iBeacon creates a different way of providing location-based information and services
How to Select your Event Tech
In our business I am often asked or required (mostly just enjoy doing it) to review and assess new and innovative products. How to Select your Event Tech?
Embracing New Meetings and Events
Technology combined with social change has caused a revolution in the way we plan, execute and attend meetings and events.
What’s so Good about Native Event Apps?
What's so Good about Native Event Apps? Put your device in airplane mode to see the worst case scenario. Put simply, web apps need internet in order to work
How do you Increase Event App Use?
A mobile app for your event can be useful, valuable, and fun for attendees. But, only if it is actually used. So How do you Increase Event App Use?